Lectures & Video Podcasts
- Bernevig, Bogdan
- Carpentier, David
- Castelnovo, Claudio
- Chalker, John
- Dil, Hugo
- Doucot, Benoit
- Gaulin, Bruce
- Kim, Philip
- Levitov, Leonid
- Molenkamp, Laurens
- Moore, Joel
- Mudry, Christopher
- Niemi, Antti
- Pollmann, Frank
- Regnault, Nicolas
- Stern, Ady
- Takagi, Hide
- Vishwanath, Ashvin
- v. Klitzing, Klaus
- v. Oppen, Felix
- Wegner, Franz
- Wen, Xiao-Gang
Pedagogical material
Castelnovo, C., Moessner, R. and Sondhi, S. L., Spin Ice, Fractionalization and Topological Order, Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 3, 35 (2012), arXiv
Chalker, J. T., Geometrically frustrated antiferromagnets: statistical mechanics and dynamics, in Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 164, p. 3, ed. by C. Lacroix, P. Mendels and F. Mila,arXiv
Dil, J. H., Spin and angle resolved photoemission on non-magnetic low-dimensional systems, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 21, 403001 (2009), PDF
Goerbig, M. O., Quantum Hall Effects, in Ultracold Gases and Quantum Information: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School in Singapore, 91, (2009), arXiv
Goerbig, M. O., Electronic Properties of Graphene in a Strong Magnetic Field, Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 1193 (2011), arXiv
Hasan, M. Z. and Moore, J. E., Three-Dimensional Topological Insulators, Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. Phys. 2, 55 (2011), arXiv
Heinzmann, U. and Dil, J. H., Spin–orbit-induced photoelectron spin polarization in angle-resolved photoemission from both atomic and condensed matter targets, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 24, 173001 (2012), PDF
Lhuillier, C., Frustrated Quantum Magnets, arXiv
Mermin, N. D., The topological theory of defects in ordered media, Rev. Mod. Phys. 51, 591 (1979), PDF
Misguich, G., Quantum spin liquids, Lectures given at the Les Houches summer school on “Exact Methods in Low-dimensional Statistical Physics and Quantum Computing” (2008), arXiv
Moessner, R. and Raman, K. S., Quantum dimer models, in Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, 164, p. 437, ed. by C. Lacroix, P. Mendels and F. Mila, arXiv
Rajaraman, R., Fractional Charge, Invited Talk at the The International Conference in memory of John Bell, Vienna; in “Quantum (Un)speakables”, eds R. A. Bertlemann and A. Zeilinger, p. 383, Springer-Verlag (Berlin) (2002), arXiv
Stern, A. Anyons and the quantum Hall effect — A pedagogical review, Annals of Physics 323, 204 (2008), arXiv
Turner, A. M. and Vishwanath A. Beyond Band Insulators: Topology of Semi-metals and Interacting Phases, (2013), arXiv